Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Monster Cookies

Well today was a ton of fun at Grandpas.  Got to sit and visit, go swimming (again), and eat some Chicago style pizza and Monster Cookies.  Yum.  My little sister was great, with a little help from my Mom she was able to learn how to do a back flip.  So now in the pool she can do a hand stand, front flip, and back flip.  It is so crazy to see how much she has improved within just a few days.  I am excited for her.  She can do more than I can lol.  The fear of having water get into my ears keeps me from trying anything to crazy. Haha. 

Oh I also wanted to give a HUGE Thank You to all of the wonderful comments on my last post.  I love reading them and they always brighten my day.  I probably look silly every time my phone buzzes announcing a new email and I see its because I have a new comment and have my own little freak out happy dance.  So again Thank You guys. =D

Oh and thanks to Magic Love Crow I remembered to snap a picture of Grandma's Monster Cookies.  They are amazing.  I am really sorry again everyone that I can't share the recipe with all of you.  

Another thing I felt like sharing with all of you is this site to The Nu Project.  I am always on the look out for things that are inspiring.  Something that I see that just instantly makes me wish I had a pencil and paper.  Specially recently I have been trying to work on my figure drawings which you can see at my deviantart account. (Button to the right)  In my hunt I stumbled upon this site a while ago.  http://thenuproject.com/ 

 "The Nu Project is a series of honest nudes of normal women from all over the world. The project began in 2005 and has stayed true to the original vision: no professional models, minimal makeup and no glamour. The focus of the project has been and continues to be the subjects and their personalities, spaces, insecurities and quirks."

Now I know some of you might not care for this kind of art.  But I instantly fell in love with Matt Blum's work.  I love that these are everyday women.  All of them their normal natural selves and absolutely beautiful.  I couldn't help but share.

So that is all for tonight.  I hope that you all had a wonderful Tuesday and have an even better Wednesday.  Tomorrow my Mom and I have to go over to D.E.S.  to get finger printed and all that lovely stuff.  Then later in the evening I am going to Ashley's to help make paper flowers for the bouquets.  Hoping I can get a bunch of pictures for you guys. 



  1. Hey Nadine ;o) I am always doing a happy dance ;o) LOL! The cookies look amazing! So yummy! Great for your little sister! I have heard of the Nu Project before, and I think it's fantastic! Take Care ;o)

    1. Oh exciting I am glad that you have heard of it before. I thought it was so amazing when I first found it.

  2. Those cookies look so yummy! Ooo I just fancy one now, a monster cookie with a monster cup of tea. :-)

    1. They are really yummy. And mmmmmm a nice cup of tea does sound good right now. Need to go out and invest in the stuff to make some.
