Well I feel like today was pretty productive. Woke up this morning to get dressed and immediately head out with the family. (Mom, Caitlin, and our friend Jim.) First stop was to the bank so I could cash a check. Which took a ridiculously long time. A Teller tried to tell me that I couldn't cash the check there since I did not have a bank account with them even though it was a check for their bank. Silly Teller must have forgotten that they do in fact cash checks from their bank it just has to be verified, two forms of ID provided and fingerprinted, but I reminded her. ;) After getting my check cashed we had to go to Fedex/Kinkos and get a few copies made for some DES info. Tons of fun. Afterwards we treated ourselves to a lunch at Dennys. After that we went to go check out the house we should be moving into in roughly a little over a month. Lets just say we are all pretty excited. Then after coming home and relaxing for a little while. A.K.A. Me messing around on the computer tweaking the blog here and there, creating a twitter, and catching up on some of the blogs I follow, I took my little sister out to the pool. She had a blast and was excited when I pulled out the floaty and started to blow it up for her. I think I will take her again tomorrow either early in the morning or sometime in the evening and go swimming with her since I didn't today, we will see. So anyways few other little tid-bits I have started to read two new books. Well not really new have had both for a while but just started reading them. A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin and Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway. If anyone has any comments on either I am all ears. A Game of Thrones so far is very good my Mom started reading them way back when and after seeing a few episodes of the new TV show I decided to steal her book and read the first one. Very dark as far as I can tell, and a bunch of different characters to follow. Sometimes I forget about certain characters until they suddenly start a new chapter with them. That is how the books are formatted each chapter is a different character. Celtic Magic I haven't gotten too far into yet but I bought it at Bookmens and am ready to just snuggle down and really read it so I can give my thoughts on it here. I will also be starting two new art projects hopefully soon. One I will be working on
probably for a while is a tattoo design for my Mom of the Ganesha. I am pretty nervous and excited about it all at the same time. So much detail but I love it, I also need to study up on exactly what the Ganesh is and what each item means. So any comments there would be more than welcomed because I don't know all too much about it. I will probably post updates of the work in progress not only of the drawing but also what I learn about it, here so I can hopefully get some constructive criticism and helpful ideas. The other project is a tattoo design for myself. I haven't the slightest clue what it is going to be though. Something that in its own way for me symbolize staying strong and positive through hard times, finding the beauty in life everywhere, love and family. Not sure how exactly I am going to do this but I am determined. Well that is about it for right now. I hope you all had a fantastic Friday and will have fun this weekend.
Sounds like you've got loads of busy-ness going on there ~ so I hope it all goes smoothly and you find it utterly insightful and enjoying!