Good morning my loves. I hope that your weekend has been great so far. Mine has been awesome other than having to work I've gotten to hang out with quite a few friends. Not feeling that great this morning though. Hoping its a fluke and will pass soon. Honestly I don't have a whole lot to write about but I felt like coming on here saying hi and giving a small update. Thinking I am going to really try and sit down and draw something today. I haven't "drawn" in forever. I have done little doodles here and there but that is about it. Hope I can get something done and be able to have something to share with you guys. Well anyways going to go read some of the other blogs that I follow.
Sending the best of wishes to all of you.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Oh my....
Good morning loves. It has certainly been a while and I do apologize. Still been very busy but I do have a bit to tell all of you. Most of it good. Guess I will start with the bad...
I can not stand my job. Lol It went very well for a while but quickly just went down hill. Most of it has to do with the majority of people that I have to work with. I have made some really good friends at work though so for that I am thankful. =) The other part of it though is the job itself. I am sure a lot of you have probably shopped at Sam's Club? Well then you must remember that when you go to check out the cashier will usually try and convince you to sign up for a line of credit or the plus membership, yes? I know it can be quite annoying specially if you go there often and aren't interested. Being asked every single time does get old I get that. I have had some customers get down right nasty about it. I would just like to say... It is a part of our job everyone. We get to hear it from our bosses if we don't ask because then we are not doing our job. Besides when did a respectful "No thank you" go out of style? I know I should probably not be writing this either but oh well. The other thing that drives me a little nuts is hearing. "I told you know last time don't you remember?" .............I see hundreds of people everyday if you came in a week ago and happened to come through my line then I am really sorry if I don't recognize you.......
Ok enough of that......
Anyways so some other things that have gone on... I went on a trip to go visit Matt in California. It was great. I was there for 6 days. I was able to meet his family and some of his friends. We also went to Six Flags my last day there which was a ton of fun. I love roller coasters. We were also there during the Fright Fest so it was cool to see everyone dressed up. We went to a hypnotist show and his friend Joey ended up getting a lap dance from another man. It was pretty hilarious. The visit was great and I can't wait til I get to see him again.
My Dad and Brother are coming to visit this weekend so I am excited. They should get here sometime tonight. I haven't seen either of them in a while so it will be good to visit with them. I know my Mom is super excited to see my little brother. Not sure what we are going to do while they are here. I know my brother will probably think of something since he can't stand to just sit around.
I have been thinking a lot lately about going back to school. I really have no idea for what though. I mean I could always go to school for art like I wanted become a tattoo artist.... I just have to many interest. Art, Massage Therapy, English, Sociology, Naturopathic Medicine... bleh choices choices....
Either way I want to figure it out soon that way I can get into school and make it happen. I definitely don't want to be working at Sam's Club the rest of my life that is for sure. I mean sure you are always going to have aspects about your job that you won't like but to hate your job and not even be doing something that you like...
So yeah that is about the jist of what has been going on. I need to get going so I can get my little sister to school. Hope that all of you are doing well. I will be back later to enjoy a cup of tea and catch up on all the of the blogs I follow. Have a great Friday everyone.
Friday, October 5, 2012
So Sorry...
Well it has been a while to say the least and I am truly sorry for that. Things have been busy. Starting my new job and getting into the flow of things. I have so much to write about that I am not really sure where I should start... Things are still going good at work. I have no complaints though I do really need a full time job so I am going to start looking again.
My Birthday and visit with Matt was amazing. I couldn't have asked for more. Having Matt here was the best present of all of course. We had four amazing nights together and I am missing him like crazy already. He got me all Batman themed gifts which was awesome! A Batman ice cube tray, Batman earrings, and a Batman shot glass since I turned 21. My Mom, Jim and little sister all got me a new laptop which was amazing and a journal that I have been drooling over for a while now. I have no idea how they knew that I wanted that particular one. It is beautiful. I will have to get a picture of it to show all of you. Matt cooked me an amazing birthday dinner. Home made chicken Alfredo with home made garlic bread. It was delicious.
On the 24th I got my braces off which is friggin sweet. I have to admit for a while I felt like a piece of my face was missing, but I love not having them.
I am hoping soon to have my own place with my friend. Actually the condo that I am in now only it will just be Sarah and I here instead of the whole family since they are looking to move into I house. So that is pretty exciting.
Can I tell you guys a secret?
I know my Mom wouldn't be too thrilled hearing this. Not that its a bad thing I just know she would be bummed like any Mother would be. I have been thinking a lot about moving to California. Of course its not anything that could happen immediately. Its just... the distance for Matt and I of course sucks. We want to take our time as far as our relationship goes though. Do it the right way and make sure we are ready when taking steps forward in our relationship.
He just got a job opportunity which is awesome. We won't know exactly what for a little over a month but whatever happens its an upgrade from the position that he has now. He pretty much gets to duke it out with another co-worker for a month trial bases and whoever does the best will get the better position. Its a really good opportunity for him. =)
Not sure why I just told you that just small details of all the decision making I guess. Anyways like I said its not something that can happen for a while. Its definitely on my mind though. Its nerve wracking. I have never lived with anyone I have been in a relationship with and its definitely a big decision. It just feels right, if that makes sense. Like I said though we both want to do this right and make sure we aren't moving things to fast and that sorta business.
Things here have been a little stressful. Specially the last few days. Just a whole bunch of not so good news thrown on our shoulders. Things we have to do that are not going to be pleasant. =/
Enough of that though. Anyways I promise to try and write more and be better about it. I am not going to have any set specific theme posts for days, though I might do random ones just for the heck of it depending on time and mood. Missed you guys and hope you all are well again I am really sorry for the disappearance.
My Birthday and visit with Matt was amazing. I couldn't have asked for more. Having Matt here was the best present of all of course. We had four amazing nights together and I am missing him like crazy already. He got me all Batman themed gifts which was awesome! A Batman ice cube tray, Batman earrings, and a Batman shot glass since I turned 21. My Mom, Jim and little sister all got me a new laptop which was amazing and a journal that I have been drooling over for a while now. I have no idea how they knew that I wanted that particular one. It is beautiful. I will have to get a picture of it to show all of you. Matt cooked me an amazing birthday dinner. Home made chicken Alfredo with home made garlic bread. It was delicious.
On the 24th I got my braces off which is friggin sweet. I have to admit for a while I felt like a piece of my face was missing, but I love not having them.
I am hoping soon to have my own place with my friend. Actually the condo that I am in now only it will just be Sarah and I here instead of the whole family since they are looking to move into I house. So that is pretty exciting.
Can I tell you guys a secret?
I know my Mom wouldn't be too thrilled hearing this. Not that its a bad thing I just know she would be bummed like any Mother would be. I have been thinking a lot about moving to California. Of course its not anything that could happen immediately. Its just... the distance for Matt and I of course sucks. We want to take our time as far as our relationship goes though. Do it the right way and make sure we are ready when taking steps forward in our relationship.
He just got a job opportunity which is awesome. We won't know exactly what for a little over a month but whatever happens its an upgrade from the position that he has now. He pretty much gets to duke it out with another co-worker for a month trial bases and whoever does the best will get the better position. Its a really good opportunity for him. =)
Not sure why I just told you that just small details of all the decision making I guess. Anyways like I said its not something that can happen for a while. Its definitely on my mind though. Its nerve wracking. I have never lived with anyone I have been in a relationship with and its definitely a big decision. It just feels right, if that makes sense. Like I said though we both want to do this right and make sure we aren't moving things to fast and that sorta business.
Things here have been a little stressful. Specially the last few days. Just a whole bunch of not so good news thrown on our shoulders. Things we have to do that are not going to be pleasant. =/
Enough of that though. Anyways I promise to try and write more and be better about it. I am not going to have any set specific theme posts for days, though I might do random ones just for the heck of it depending on time and mood. Missed you guys and hope you all are well again I am really sorry for the disappearance.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Change of plans.... again XD
Ok well I am sure you guys noticed that I missed my Friday Favorites post. I am really sorry everyone. =( So just to make things a bit easier I have decided to take away the set scheduled posting. I hope that you guys aren't terribly disappointed. I will still post my Mandalas and Musical Finds, the works. Just at random when I do get on here to post. No set day of the week. There may be times when I just get on to leave you short messages and other times when I go full on blog-tastic. Things other than being busy have been great. I had an amazing day at work yesterday. We were super busy all day long. Which makes the day go by super fast. I also got to work with all my favorite COSs. Jackson, Cherri, and Felix. I worked 24 minutes longer than I was supposed to but I seriously didn't mind. I know this might also sound bad but yesterday and the day before I received quite a few compliments on my work and just being one of the new employees. I guess so far I am well liked. It just made my day end on that much greater of a note. Its always nice to know that your work is appreciated. I am hoping that if I continue to have my positive attitude and volunteer when they need that extra hand like yesterday that they will see that I want to move up and forward. Its the plan at least.
Last Saturday we went to Snowflake to go to one of our family friends weddings. It was a ton of fun and it was insane to see everyone together. People from my childhood who I haven't seen all together well.... since I was little were all there and it was great. I was really happy for our friends Russ and Gretchen. Russ I have known my whole life. Him and My Mom have been friends for a very long time. His daughter Nikki was my best friend growing up. Her and I have definitely had some hard times in our friendship. We aren't what we used to be but I still love her with all my heart and it was great getting to see her. Her Mom, Dev, passed away 3 years ago. She had swine flu. Bizarre I know. It was a really hard time for everyone. But it was great to see Russ so happy and starting a new and wonderful chapter in his life with Gretchen. I know that it was a hard time for Nikki but I am glad she and her brother were there to support their Dad. Caitlin and I were being goofs on the drive up there, hense the pictures.
I am pretty sure I might have mentioned this before but Caitlin is really loving her new school. It is great to see her actually excited to go back to school again. My sister has always been the type that loves going to school and loves excelling. Last year was a really rough year for her though. Her teacher was.... well to put it nicely... she has just been doing her job way to long. Ugh fine there is no nice way to put it she was a down right horrible teacher. There is no excuse for screaming and throwing books. Specially in a second grade classroom absolutely ridiculous. Oh the joys of living in a small town with no options. Caitlin also went through a lot of bullying. Which no one did anything about. We did everything we were supposed to told Caitlin to just walk away, never start or pick fights, don't say mean, unkind words, get a teacher... When none of that worked we went to the school ourselves. We tried talking to anyone and all we ever got was "kids will be kids" or "there is nothing we can do". Caitlin actually had another child spit in her face and the teachers still refused to do anything about it.
Ok.... ok I am done I am sure you see what I meant.
So having her in a school, excited again, making friends, a nice teacher, and all sorts of extra programs is really a blessing. Caitlin is in two after school programs now. She goes to each once a week. One is an art class called Young Rimbrants and the other is a Karate class. While the.... physical? aspect of the Karate class is nice and all we are hoping more for it to be a confidence booster. Help her build her self-esteem and also (though she doesn't really have an issue with this) but help her learn respect for others as well as herself. She had her two first classes last week. I am excited to see how things turn out. It is nice finally living somewhere that offers these kinds of opportunities. Where we used to be the only things they offered were, sports which was track, basketball, volleyball and football which aren't even an option until middle school. And lets face it not everyone is the sporty type I never was.
Anyways so this Monday I do have a Mandala for you. Its actually the one that I couldn't find last week lol. Its not my all time favorite but I hope that you guys like it. Let me know what you think.
I didn't ever realize until after I had finished that I had really focused on the pinks and blues in this one lol.
I have to go pick up Caitlin from school here soon but before I go I wanted to share one musical find with you guys. I am sure you have heard this song up and down also. At least I know that it is way over played where I am. Don't get me wrong I like the song but.... lol anyways...
I just really liked Ingrid's version. I think that she has a beautiful voice and style.
So here is "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Ingrid Michaelson Gotye cover
Anyways I hope that all of you guys are doing A-MAY-ZING. =P
Let me know how you are doing. lol I miss you guys!
Last Saturday we went to Snowflake to go to one of our family friends weddings. It was a ton of fun and it was insane to see everyone together. People from my childhood who I haven't seen all together well.... since I was little were all there and it was great. I was really happy for our friends Russ and Gretchen. Russ I have known my whole life. Him and My Mom have been friends for a very long time. His daughter Nikki was my best friend growing up. Her and I have definitely had some hard times in our friendship. We aren't what we used to be but I still love her with all my heart and it was great getting to see her. Her Mom, Dev, passed away 3 years ago. She had swine flu. Bizarre I know. It was a really hard time for everyone. But it was great to see Russ so happy and starting a new and wonderful chapter in his life with Gretchen. I know that it was a hard time for Nikki but I am glad she and her brother were there to support their Dad. Caitlin and I were being goofs on the drive up there, hense the pictures.
I am pretty sure I might have mentioned this before but Caitlin is really loving her new school. It is great to see her actually excited to go back to school again. My sister has always been the type that loves going to school and loves excelling. Last year was a really rough year for her though. Her teacher was.... well to put it nicely... she has just been doing her job way to long. Ugh fine there is no nice way to put it she was a down right horrible teacher. There is no excuse for screaming and throwing books. Specially in a second grade classroom absolutely ridiculous. Oh the joys of living in a small town with no options. Caitlin also went through a lot of bullying. Which no one did anything about. We did everything we were supposed to told Caitlin to just walk away, never start or pick fights, don't say mean, unkind words, get a teacher... When none of that worked we went to the school ourselves. We tried talking to anyone and all we ever got was "kids will be kids" or "there is nothing we can do". Caitlin actually had another child spit in her face and the teachers still refused to do anything about it.
Ok.... ok I am done I am sure you see what I meant.
So having her in a school, excited again, making friends, a nice teacher, and all sorts of extra programs is really a blessing. Caitlin is in two after school programs now. She goes to each once a week. One is an art class called Young Rimbrants and the other is a Karate class. While the.... physical? aspect of the Karate class is nice and all we are hoping more for it to be a confidence booster. Help her build her self-esteem and also (though she doesn't really have an issue with this) but help her learn respect for others as well as herself. She had her two first classes last week. I am excited to see how things turn out. It is nice finally living somewhere that offers these kinds of opportunities. Where we used to be the only things they offered were, sports which was track, basketball, volleyball and football which aren't even an option until middle school. And lets face it not everyone is the sporty type I never was.
Anyways so this Monday I do have a Mandala for you. Its actually the one that I couldn't find last week lol. Its not my all time favorite but I hope that you guys like it. Let me know what you think.
I didn't ever realize until after I had finished that I had really focused on the pinks and blues in this one lol.
I have to go pick up Caitlin from school here soon but before I go I wanted to share one musical find with you guys. I am sure you have heard this song up and down also. At least I know that it is way over played where I am. Don't get me wrong I like the song but.... lol anyways...
I just really liked Ingrid's version. I think that she has a beautiful voice and style.
So here is "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Ingrid Michaelson Gotye cover
Anyways I hope that all of you guys are doing A-MAY-ZING. =P
Let me know how you are doing. lol I miss you guys!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mandala Monday and a little Craziness...
Hey everyone I am sorry that I haven't been around much lately. Things have been a bit ... scattered since starting my new job. Still trying to get into the flow of not having an over abundance of free time. Things are still going really well I really like my new job though my feet are killing me. Note to self: When you can't find your work shoes.... try harder. Convers are not 5hrs+ standing friendly. Mah feets are killin me. lol
Most of my time now is spent at work and then when I do get home I skype with Matt. My computer is so lame I can't actually run anything else while running skype. I promise I am going to try a lot harder to set some time aside to blog. I don't want this place to die again I have made so many new great friends here and blogging is something that I really do enjoy. I think that I might make Monday nights and Friday nights my blogging time. That way we still get the FFF post along with Mandala Monday and I will also just include whatever else along with them. Try that out and see how it works.
I am getting more and more excited about September. It is officially less than a month before Matt with be here for 4 nights. I can not wait to have him here with me. I could careless that its going to be my 21st birthday. I am just excited to have him next to me.
So this Mandala Monday is a bit different. I am just going to post a few of my favorite Mandalas that I have found around the net here this time. I do have one colored but I can't find the darn thing. I don't know how I misplaced it. I hope that you guys like these designs though. Let me know what you think.
Most of my time now is spent at work and then when I do get home I skype with Matt. My computer is so lame I can't actually run anything else while running skype. I promise I am going to try a lot harder to set some time aside to blog. I don't want this place to die again I have made so many new great friends here and blogging is something that I really do enjoy. I think that I might make Monday nights and Friday nights my blogging time. That way we still get the FFF post along with Mandala Monday and I will also just include whatever else along with them. Try that out and see how it works.
I am getting more and more excited about September. It is officially less than a month before Matt with be here for 4 nights. I can not wait to have him here with me. I could careless that its going to be my 21st birthday. I am just excited to have him next to me.
So this Mandala Monday is a bit different. I am just going to post a few of my favorite Mandalas that I have found around the net here this time. I do have one colored but I can't find the darn thing. I don't know how I misplaced it. I hope that you guys like these designs though. Let me know what you think.
I love the colors in this one along with the design.
The browns and pinks are amazing.
Very pretty. Such vibrant colors.
I want to colors this one so bad.
Not only is the design pretty but its very unique.
I haven't seen anyone with a tattoo like these.
All of these images can be found on my pinterest.
There is a button in my right sidebar.
That is all for tonight. Sorry that this post is so late. I didn't get off of work until 9 tonight. Will be the same tomorrow and Wednesday. Happy to be working though. =) Hope that you all had an amazing Monday.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Work wooooaaaah!
Well everyone I am super tired right now so this will be really short. I wanted to give you all an update of how things are going at work. I have just about finished with all of my cbl's (aka computer training) today I was actually out on the floor shadowing another cashier who let me work the register more than half the time. It was nerve wracking but not boring. Everyone so far has been super great and Flo who I worked with today was amazing. She was very patient with me and all the little mistakes I made. Well anyways like I said super tired. So I am going to get going. I have tomorrow off so I might write some more but really I plan on just using the time to catch up on a lot of the blogs that I follow. Hope that you all are doing well and having an amazing week. =)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Mandala Monday
So I know this picture is really rough. I just couldn't get a good picture. I figured this one let you see the design best and color. I hate that you can see all the of the border though lol. Anyways I am not really sure what inspired this one other than I wanted it to be bright and fun. I had a lot of fun with this one.
When I first looked at it before coloring the design in some sense reminded me of spring.
Sun in the center and blooming in the rose.
Oh and look what I got! With Autumn knocking at our doors and up and coming Le Mysterieux Carnival parties coming up I couldn't help but get myself this little treat. I am not that far into it yet but so far I am really enjoying it. Driving me a bit bonkers with the character hopping. One of those "Wait no go back what happened with Celia???" kind of moments. I am very excited to see where this story leads. Great inspiration for booth ideas as well. ;)
So today is my first day of work. I don't have to be there until 3:30 this afternoon but I am still very nervous. Even if all I will be doing is sitting at a computer testing for who knows how many hours. I actually think that is all I am doing today and tomorrow. I have never had a job like this before its a bit nerve wracking. I mean I have had jobs but nothing so.... serious? I worked out at the race track but it was under the table pay, and my Aunt and Uncle ran it, and while they were the "bosses" I never really answered to anyone. I ran the concession stand. Now that I think about it I could have very well been considered a manager or at least head of the concession if anyone had such titles there lol.
We had to get there and be open by 8 in the morning but there was no set time for when we would leave sometimes it would be as early as 4 and other times as late as 6. I never had to take breaks when working there. Which might not seem like a big thing but I am actually very nervous at the idea of having to catch myself and be "Oh I have been here for a while time for my break I need to go clock out." Our boss made it perfectly clear that if we attempted to skip our break we would have to deal with her and we would not like it.
Silly isn't it? To be so nervous...
Anyways I hope that today goes well. This week I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Two 5 hours days and two 8 hour days. Well actually one is 8 and a half. So some pretty decent hours though after this week it will go down to part time. Wish it was full-time though it actually works out for me a little since I have so much going on late September. Matt will get here on the 18th and will be leaving super early in the morning on the 21st, then on the 22nd is Ashley's wedding, then on the 24th I have to go to New Mexico to get my braces off. Really hope I can work it so I don't have to miss any work. I know I will have to work while Matt is here which super sucks but oh well. I can't wait to see him September needs to hurry up and get here.
Well I am going to get going I hope that you all are having a great Monday.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Hey everyone well I am back from my trip to New Mexico. It went great I had an amazing time visiting with my younger brother and my Dad. My orthodontist appointment went really well also. I am scheduled for a de-banding on September 24th. WOOT!!! No more braces! I am so excited. Right now they have me wearing few new little elastics connecting the top and bottom braces I am a bit sore. Never any fun but its an amazing pain knowing that it just means I am that much closer to being done with them. My Dad and brother are both doing really well. My Dad is a little lost I guess you could say with my younger brother leaving for college. He isn't really sure what to do with himself or the idea of living alone. I was also able to see my cousins Jessica and Steven before I left which was great. I hope I can see them at least once more before they fly back to New Jersey. Who knows when I will get to see them again!
So I didn't really do any net surfing while I was gone but for my late FFF posting I figured I would share two songs and one of my favorite photographers.
What I Am by Edie Brickell & New Bohemians and A Case of You by Joni Mitchell. Just two random songs that I really like. I hope that you guys enjoy them.
So on of my favorite photographers/artist is Lissy Elle. I am pretty sure that a lot of you have probably seen her stuff floating around the net.
So I didn't really do any net surfing while I was gone but for my late FFF posting I figured I would share two songs and one of my favorite photographers.
What I Am by Edie Brickell & New Bohemians and A Case of You by Joni Mitchell. Just two random songs that I really like. I hope that you guys enjoy them.
So on of my favorite photographers/artist is Lissy Elle. I am pretty sure that a lot of you have probably seen her stuff floating around the net.
I love how mysterious yet fun all of her photos are.
This one I just thought was amazing. Very simple but beautiful.
The rose makes me think of Beauty and the Beast.
This one is definitely one of my favorites.
You guys know how I love my autumn colors.
But I also like just how oddball this is.
This other than the leaking water lol
Could actually be a really cool decorating idea.
So I hope that you guys liked the photos. Here is the link to her facebook page for those of you who want it.
I am going to post the Mandalas from this week tomorrow. At least I hope because tomorrow is my first official day at work! Yesterday we had orientation and did a whole ton of paperwork and got our schedules figured out. I am so excited that it is finally here and that both my Mom and I will be working now. Very exciting. While visiting my Dad I got to go up to Portal. I love it up there the forest area is great and I have a lot of amazing childhood memories there.
Not the greatest pictures ever but I am glad that I remembered to take a couple.
Near the top thought that it was a really pretty view.
Oh and look I bought my first purse EVER.
Yes about to be 21 and have never owned a purse. Not the biggest fan of them.
Just couldn't fit everything in my pockets anymore and it really is starting to grow on me lol.
Anyways I have to get going I do have a bit more to write about but will probably be busy the next few days. I hope that I can write some more tomorrow. Really need to catch up on all my blogs that I follow.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
NM trip
Well everyone I just wanted to get on here and leave you guys a short note. Tomorrow around 6:30ish in the morning I will be making my way to New Mexico to go visit with my Dad and younger Brother. Also I have an orthodontist appointment that I can't miss. Bleh. I am going to be there until Thursday and will not have a computer and even if I did I probably would not be spending any time on it. So I just wanted to make sure you guys didn't think that I just up and disappeared with the lack of posting. Likely on Friday I will take the time to not only post my FFF post but also include Mandala Monday, my Butterfly Effect project and an update on what I was up to while gone. I hope that you all have a wonderful week. =)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Giveaway/ Plumrose Lane
I just wanted to tell everyone about this great Giveaway that Sharon over at Plumrose Lane is hosting in celebration of almost having 1000 followers! Can you imagine? I am so excited for her! I have been following Plumrose Lane for around 2 years I think now and still love to see Sharon's updates on new designs, etsy shop updates, and all kinds of other great stuff. She does amazing computer design work on top of making beautiful jewelry, key chains, etc.

So about the giveaway...
First what you need to do is head over to Plumrose Lane take a look around and see all that I am talking about and follow if you like what you see. Then check out her post about the giveaway and see all that you can do to participate in the giveaway. Becoming a follower is just the first step. =D
The prices...
The First price is a hand made woven wire bracelet
Second prize is a key chain of your choice from her etsy shop (the key chains are pretty cool just sayin)
And the Third prize is a $30 dollar gift certificate to her Plumrose Lane shop!
So three amazing prizes!
I hope that you guys will check out her blog and shop and that you guys like them as much as I do.

Friday, August 3, 2012
Friday Favorites
So this weeks Friday favorites post is going to be just a bit different. I have been pretty busy these last few days and have to admit that I haven't done all that much searching. Instead though I am just going to tell you guys a few of my favorite things about this week.
I still have two musical finds for this week though so here you go.
"Titanium" by David Guetta ft. Sia. This song I just heard recently and I really like the lyrics. The style of the song is pretty different than what I normally listen to but I actually like it. The video is interesting but more than anything I just like what the lyrics meant to me.
Now this song isn't a recent find but instead one that I have listened to for as long as I can remember. I honestly don't remember a time without it. It was on a lullaby CD that my Mom used to play for my brother and I every night and now for my sister. I even still listen to the CD sometimes now. lol I am not sure if it is based off this move called the Last Unicorn but that was also one of my favorites growing up and it actually has a short piece of the song in the movie. It was my favorite song from that CD though and last night my little sister was showing Grandma it and I just got all happy in the memory so I wanted to share it with you guys. "The Last Unicorn" by Kenny Loggins.
So here are a few of my favorite things about this week more like the things I am looking forward to or am grateful for.
-Matt finally has interenet again so we get to skype now. =D Was such a drag only getting to talk to him on the phone and not being able to see him.
-Caitlin is starting school on Wednesday and I am very excited for her!
-My Mom and I have orientation on the 11th to start work woot!
-On Monday I get to go see my Dad and little brother who I am missing like crazy.
-Matt bought his bus tickets and will be here for my birthday in Septemeber!!! He gets to meet the family a little nerve wracking. (Hope I don't have to work a whole bunch while he is here =/ )
-My Mom, Caitlin and I have all lost weight! How much I am not exactly sure but I went from a 16 in jeans to a 14 and now even the 14 are getting a bit baggy and I bought them just barely over a month ago.
-The up and coming spooky Autumn blog parties for Le Mysterieux Carnival.
Anyways I hope you guys don't mind this odd favorites post. I promise to try and find some neat-o stuff for you guys soon. I hope that you all had an amazing week and are moving on to an even better weekend.
I still have two musical finds for this week though so here you go.
"Titanium" by David Guetta ft. Sia. This song I just heard recently and I really like the lyrics. The style of the song is pretty different than what I normally listen to but I actually like it. The video is interesting but more than anything I just like what the lyrics meant to me.
Now this song isn't a recent find but instead one that I have listened to for as long as I can remember. I honestly don't remember a time without it. It was on a lullaby CD that my Mom used to play for my brother and I every night and now for my sister. I even still listen to the CD sometimes now. lol I am not sure if it is based off this move called the Last Unicorn but that was also one of my favorites growing up and it actually has a short piece of the song in the movie. It was my favorite song from that CD though and last night my little sister was showing Grandma it and I just got all happy in the memory so I wanted to share it with you guys. "The Last Unicorn" by Kenny Loggins.
So here are a few of my favorite things about this week more like the things I am looking forward to or am grateful for.
-Matt finally has interenet again so we get to skype now. =D Was such a drag only getting to talk to him on the phone and not being able to see him.
-Caitlin is starting school on Wednesday and I am very excited for her!
-My Mom and I have orientation on the 11th to start work woot!
-On Monday I get to go see my Dad and little brother who I am missing like crazy.
-Matt bought his bus tickets and will be here for my birthday in Septemeber!!! He gets to meet the family a little nerve wracking. (Hope I don't have to work a whole bunch while he is here =/ )
-My Mom, Caitlin and I have all lost weight! How much I am not exactly sure but I went from a 16 in jeans to a 14 and now even the 14 are getting a bit baggy and I bought them just barely over a month ago.
-The up and coming spooky Autumn blog parties for Le Mysterieux Carnival.

Anyways I hope you guys don't mind this odd favorites post. I promise to try and find some neat-o stuff for you guys soon. I hope that you all had an amazing week and are moving on to an even better weekend.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Creepy Crawlies
So this week for the butterfly effect blog the theme was insects. While I had been expecting the cutsey butterflies, lady bugs, ect... Karen who made a guest post said she preferred her bugs a little bit creepy. So I decided if I was going to do creepy I was going all out. I thought of the most unattractive creepy bug and in an instant centipedes popped into my head. I REALLY dislike centipedes. I don't really consider myself the type that has a fear of bugs but centipedes make me turn into an uber girl. I refuse to even kill them instead going with the alternative of running away and yelling for someone to get it! Yeah instant sissy-la-la mode.
But here is my centipede *shrivers* still give me the heebie-jeebies. Simple but colorful despite having a healthy fear of the bug I really like the way it turned out. Though I am wondering if I might add some stuff to the background later on.
What made me decide to go rainbow I have no idea. Lol just sorta a last minute decision.
Here are a few of my favorite creepy crawly art that I found.
Anyways so nothing all that much going on here. I am trying to figure out some fun stuff to do in the greater Phoenix area for when Matt comes to visit in September. I have a few ideas so far but we will see.
I hope that you all are having a great week so far.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Le Mysterieux Carnival
Hey do you smell that? Smells like cotton candy to me. What? You hear the music too? Oh good I thought that it was just me.
Look there just at the edge of the woods, there is something sparkly on the ground. Its glitter... there is a whole trail of it leading deep into the dark woods.
What? Oh you think we should follow it? Ok lets go...
These woods are a little spooky. No... I'm not scared.
You're not either. Oh good.
Hey look I see something....
Its a light...
Oh... its a jack o'lantern.
What is he doing way out here?
Hmm? What are you pointing at?
Oh there are more all along the path how odd.
Well lets keep going.
Hey look I found something. Its very pretty.
Le Mysterieux Carnival... huh
Look there is another one over there... now we both have one.
I wonder where this path is leading us.
Hmm? Oh the music... Yeah it is getting a bit louder isn't it?
Yeah, I hope we get there soon too these woods seem to go on forever....
Oh how exciting! This year things are being shaken up and changed just a little bit, and its fantastic. I know this is the time of year when I get ready to see all the amazing Practical Magic parties here in the blog community hosted by our lovely Anna who's awesome blog is Frosted Petunias (botton to the right). This year though she decided that a more fitting theme would be a spooky marvelous carnival! Don't worry though the Practical Magic parties will still be held but in the spring instead. So lets join Frosted Petunias and Incipient Wings in the spooky fun.
I am so excited to participate this October! So many ideas. If you want to join us in the fun go ahead and click the button at the top of my right sidebar. Read up on it a bit more and don't forget to grab your silver ticket. ;) Would be awesome to see all of you guys there. I hope that you enjoy this post felt like doing something a bit new try and get into the spirit.
Mandala Monday
So here is the first ever for me Mandala Monday. This post will have quite a few pictures though I don't imagine there will be as many every week. These are the ones that Grandma, Caitlin and I colored this past weekend and I hope that you guys like them. =)
P.S. Have you noticed? 13 followers! Talk about having a big goofy smile plastered on my fave for the rest of the day. Thank you so much everyone.
This one was mine and Caitlin's favorite out of the book that Grandma had already colored.
This is the one I worked on. I really liked how it turned out.
Glitter glue is amazing to use for these. So much fun.
I ended up giving it to Grandma as a present.
Sort of a thank you for sharing these with us. =)
Here is the one that my sister worked on this weekend.
She did an amazing job.
Really liked the glitter glue as well. =)
And here is Grandma's favorite out of the ones that she has colored.
Aren't the Autumn colors beautiful. This is easily also one of my favorites that she has done.
So that is it for this Monday everyone. I hope that you all enjoy them. Let me know what you think. Would you have done anything differently? I think it will be interesting to go back one day and maybe color some of the same designs we already have done before. See how differently they turn out.
Hope all of you are having a fantabulous Monday.
P.S. Have you noticed? 13 followers! Talk about having a big goofy smile plastered on my fave for the rest of the day. Thank you so much everyone.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Oreo Cookie Dessert
So Oreo Cookie Dessert or better known as Dirt. One of my families favorite deserts and the only reason we don't call it Dirt is because my friend who taught us to make it calls it Oreo Cookie Dessert. I am sure most of you have probably had it but I figured that I would share the recipe anyways since I made it for everyone yesterday. Was perfect after the Chile we ate though we all thought we were going to explode. Anyways SUPER super easy recipe and hardly takes anything at all. Not the healthiest thing on the planet either to be quite honest. So here we go...
1 package of original Oreos or double stuffed whatever you prefer. We like original.
1 Large tub (I think its 32 ounces?) of Cool Whip
1 pkg 8 ounce of Cream Cheese
1 large box of Instant Chocolate Pudding
Possibly 3 cups of cold milk for pudding (the kind we buy calls for it.)
What you will need:
2 Mixing bowls one for the pudding and one of the cool whip cream cheese mixture
(unless you have a big mixer with the bowl and all that jazz)
A whisk for pudding
9x13 Cake Pan
Rubber spatula
Measuring cup for milk
Note: You could use a whisk to mix the cream cheese cool whip mixture if you do not have a mixer or hand mixer but the cream cheese is sorta a pain in the butt to mix smoothly into the cool whip.
Before hand you want to leave the cream cheese out for a while that way it softens or else it will not mix well. I would say like an hour before you actually start to mix everything together.
Sorry everyone I didn't take pictures of the steps like last time.
So after getting all of the supplies together and the cream cheese has sat out for a while the first thing I do is mix the pudding together. That way it has a few minutes after mixing together and following the directions on the box to sit and thicken.
Then what I do is a take the Oreos and crush them. You will want to take 3-4 oeros and set them aside for the top. So you can crush the Oreos by hand but its a very messy business so what I do is take a ziplock bag or sandwich bag fill it up and crush the Oreos in there. Sometimes I will used whatever I have to just beat on the bag for lack of better word. Like the glass measuring cup... lol Now it really depends on you how much you want to crush them. My family likes to just give the bag a few good whacks that way there are some big chucks of Oreo. But if you prefer them to be really mushed up then that is fine. Then you just dump the crushed Oreos in the cake pan and spread them around evenly.
After that I move on to make the cream cheese cool whip mixture. Even after the cream cheese has sat out I still like to kneed the cream cheese a bit just to help soften it up. Put all the cream cheese in the bowl. You don't have to but with the mixer (or whisk if that is all you have [good luck]) I beat the cream cheese just for just a few seconds again to just make sure it is nice and soft. Then what you do is add half of the cool whip tub into the mixing bowl. Mix together until it is nice as smooth and very well mixed together.
Now you go back to pudding and add it to the Oreos in the cake pan and use your rubber spatula (or whatever you prefer to use really) to spread it out evenly I like to make sure all the oreos are nice and coated. After you want to add the cream cheese cool whip mixture. It is usually pretty thick and hard to spread so I put it is in small globs all over the cake pan that way its slightly easier to spread evenly. Trust me if you just plop it all out in one huge glob its going to be really hard to spread without making a mess and getting it even.
Its ok if it doesn't look all that pretty with the pudding sorta making a mess and mixing in with the cream cheese/cool whip because right after you get that spread out you are going to take the rest of the cool whip and spread that over the top. Then you just take the rest of Oreos you set aside crush them over the top and you are done! I know it all sounds like a lot but it really is easy! You just put it in the fridge after that and serve it after dinner or before if you prefer. ;) Really good with a cup of coffee or a nice cold glass of milk. Hope you guys like it if you decide to try it or maybe if you make it differently let me know. I am always up for new ideas. =D
Saturday, July 28, 2012
So I just have a few things to write about tonight then its time for bed. Oh also sorry the FFF post was so late today. We spent the day over at Grandma and Grandpa's. We were having such a wonderful time that my sister and I seriously didn't want to come home. Probably the reason we got back so late.
First though and I can't believe I forgot to tell all of you this when we got the news. Yesterday my Mom and I found out that orientation for work is August 11th!!! Still a ways off but really glad to finally know whats going on. It also kind of works out for me since I have to go all the ways to Las Cruces which is... I think like a 9-10 hour drive from here, for an orthodontist appointment on the 8th. Its where I used to go before we moved and my Dad already has them paid off so there will be no changing of orthodontist. Plus last time they told me I only have like two or three more visits anyways. Woot woot!!! So I won't have to ask for time off work and I won't have to rush there and back.
So like I mentioned today we spent most of our day at Grandma and Grandpa's house visiting, swimming, making monster cookies, eating subway, and coloring Mandalas. It has easily become one of my favorite new pass times that is for sure. I had never heard of Mandalas to be perfectly honest but Grandma had a whole book full of blank ones and she let us make copies of them! So I have decided to try something new with the blog again. It will be Mandala Monday. Since both Caitlin and I have so many of them now to color I thought it would be a fun new art project to share with all of you. It is actually very meditative in my opinion I enjoy it a lot and I am very excited for Monday so I can show you guys the one that I am working on right now.

First though and I can't believe I forgot to tell all of you this when we got the news. Yesterday my Mom and I found out that orientation for work is August 11th!!! Still a ways off but really glad to finally know whats going on. It also kind of works out for me since I have to go all the ways to Las Cruces which is... I think like a 9-10 hour drive from here, for an orthodontist appointment on the 8th. Its where I used to go before we moved and my Dad already has them paid off so there will be no changing of orthodontist. Plus last time they told me I only have like two or three more visits anyways. Woot woot!!! So I won't have to ask for time off work and I won't have to rush there and back.
So like I mentioned today we spent most of our day at Grandma and Grandpa's house visiting, swimming, making monster cookies, eating subway, and coloring Mandalas. It has easily become one of my favorite new pass times that is for sure. I had never heard of Mandalas to be perfectly honest but Grandma had a whole book full of blank ones and she let us make copies of them! So I have decided to try something new with the blog again. It will be Mandala Monday. Since both Caitlin and I have so many of them now to color I thought it would be a fun new art project to share with all of you. It is actually very meditative in my opinion I enjoy it a lot and I am very excited for Monday so I can show you guys the one that I am working on right now.
Also Grandma spent the last week in Florida with some friends and her daughter and grand daughter. They all had a great time went to Disney world and did all sorts of fun things. She brought My Mom, Sister and I back presents as well too our surprise. She got my Mom this really pretty hand made bag that you could easily keep your makeup in along with a copy of her own book signed. I believe the book she gave my Mom is called "From Heaven to my Heart, God's Journey With Me". Here is a little tid bit I found about her via google search Then she got both Caitlin and I these beautiful hand crafted boxes. Man she peg us pretty well I absolutely love it. Now I just need to figure out what to put in it.

While starting to make a TON of copies of Mandalas for Caitlin and I, I noticed this little guy sitting on the desk. I couldn't help but comment how beautiful he was. Then Grandma told me she had in fact been looking for a home for him and offered him to me. O.O Needless to say I had no idea what to say other than ask if she was sure which she said we would call it a house warming gift and that yes she was sure. All I could say was a huge Thank You and act like a little kid who was just offered a huge lollipop. He will stay with Grandma though until we get moved into the new house.
Isn't he cute?
And look he will keep my treasure safe.
Anyways tomorrow we are going back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to visit, color more Mandalas and hopefully I can make Oreo Cookie Desert for them. =) I hope that you all had a fantastic Friday and will have an amazing weekend. Pleasant dreams everyone!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday Favorite Finds
Sorry this is so late everyone but I wanted to get it in before midnight hopefully I can...
This Fridays Favorites is a bit random but oh well =)
My two favorite musical finds this week are...
Now I will admit that I am not the most.... religious person on the planet. I have my beliefs and well that is that really. But I thought this song was absolutely beautiful. I hope that you guys like it.
So I know this is way different than the first but I really like this song. I listen to all types of music just saying. But this song has me listening to it over and over again.
So like I mentioned this weeks pics are a bit random. Really though they are all some form of art. So I guess this weeks inspiration is Art.
This is the only thing that isn't really Art related. It made me crack up though.
I am subscribed to Ellen Degeneres's channel on youtube so I get these funny little clips every now and then.
So I have more to write but I am going to publish this and then just add another post. That way I get this up before midnight so its technically still Friday.
This Fridays Favorites is a bit random but oh well =)
My two favorite musical finds this week are...
Now I will admit that I am not the most.... religious person on the planet. I have my beliefs and well that is that really. But I thought this song was absolutely beautiful. I hope that you guys like it.
So I know this is way different than the first but I really like this song. I listen to all types of music just saying. But this song has me listening to it over and over again.
So like I mentioned this weeks pics are a bit random. Really though they are all some form of art. So I guess this weeks inspiration is Art.
I just thought this was amazing. Can you imagine?
So magical.
I love the color in the wings and the skull helm.
She seems so fierce and the painting itself is beautiful.
This picture was taken by one of my favorite photographers Lissy Elle.
I saw this in another blog that I follow and really liked it.
I hope that you guys do too.
This is the only thing that isn't really Art related. It made me crack up though.
I am subscribed to Ellen Degeneres's channel on youtube so I get these funny little clips every now and then.
So I have more to write but I am going to publish this and then just add another post. That way I get this up before midnight so its technically still Friday.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Cold Chile
Hello Lovelies. I thought that I would get on today and share one of my favorite recipes... food... what not just yummy good deliciousness with you guys. It is kind of like pinto de gallo (think that is how you spell it... is the worst half Mexican eva). I am not the biggest fan of salsa. I don't like soupy... red/green filled with seeds kind of salsa. Just not for me. What I do love though is Cold Chile which is just what my family has called it. My Dad is usually the one makes it and I haven't really found anyone that does it quite like him so I figured I would share this like crazy easy recipe with all of you.
Oh I took all the pictures for this though I totally spaced that I should have taken pictures of the veggies before dicing them up. Oops. The proportions I am about to give you make a pretty big bowl.... just sayin. Unless you have a huge family, are throwing a party, you will likely have leftovers. My Dad always makes like this HUGE bowl and he has no exact recipe... just sorta wings it every time.
So what I am sharing with you guys is just what we did today.
Anyways.... first things first.
4 Large Jalapeño
4 Large Yellow Hots/Peppers (not sure exactly what they are called they look just like a yellow jalapeño)
2 Cucumbers
3-4 Tomatos
1/2 of a Large Yellow or White Onion
A ...bundle? of Cilantro (not sure exactly what to call it just you know when you go to the store and buy Cilantro and they have a bunch all band together. Get one of those.)
4-5 Lemons
All you need for this is:
A big bowl
Cutting board
And a good cutting knife
Woot easy!
Oh I took all the pictures for this though I totally spaced that I should have taken pictures of the veggies before dicing them up. Oops. The proportions I am about to give you make a pretty big bowl.... just sayin. Unless you have a huge family, are throwing a party, you will likely have leftovers. My Dad always makes like this HUGE bowl and he has no exact recipe... just sorta wings it every time.
So what I am sharing with you guys is just what we did today.
Anyways.... first things first.
4 Large Jalapeño
4 Large Yellow Hots/Peppers (not sure exactly what they are called they look just like a yellow jalapeño)
2 Cucumbers
3-4 Tomatos
1/2 of a Large Yellow or White Onion
A ...bundle? of Cilantro (not sure exactly what to call it just you know when you go to the store and buy Cilantro and they have a bunch all band together. Get one of those.)
4-5 Lemons
All you need for this is:
A big bowl
Cutting board
And a good cutting knife
Woot easy!
So I know the pics aren't the best and I don't know why I felt the need to take a pic
of each diced up veggie but... yeah.
First before chopping the jalapeño and yellow hots you want to take the seeds out
and the thicker pieces of the viens...
Then slice and dice prrreeeeetty small both the jalapeño and yellow hots
Then after peeling them, you slice and dice the cucumber.
I don't do it as small as the jalapeño and yellow hots but still keeping it pretty small.
Now we only used 3 tomatoes for this batch but it probably could have used one more.
I am not the biggest fan of tomatoes in fact I really dislike them.
But this has to have tomatoes or its not the same.
We used a yellow onion for this but like I said you can use white also.
Dice about the same size as the cucumber I had a bit of trouble with that...
After cutting off as much of the stems as you can chop the cilantro the best you can since I know its kind of a pain.
To make it easier I leave the band on the stems and cut right above it.
Usually works best.
After that add the juice from the lemon.
We used 5 today but honestly I think 4 would have been enough.
Then just add salt to your taste.
We like very little but everyone is different.
Mix it all together and vuala!
Has that fresh wonderful crunch and just mmmMMMmmm
Really yummy with ruffles, or tortilla chips. We put it on chicken tacos tonight instead of lettuce and the like.
It keeps pretty well and just a warning it gets spicier the longer it sits.
Anyways I hope that all of you like it if you decide to try it. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Hope I got everything down... =)
Have a wonderful night!
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